
Himmeltræet (The heavenly tree) is a short Christmas story for the younger audience. The book rephrases the traditional story of growing up, ambitions and the birth of baby Jesus.

Composition Print Illustration Logo

Who said a church had to be dull?

Even a small independent publisher can have a fun identity

As a pastor, the author Mikkel Højholt runs his church a bit different. For him, a bit of craziness is allowed to contrast the classic and formal church. It’s important for him, that both he and his audience has fun.  – In his church and in his work in the community youth sector.

The inspiration for the name Bouncychurch, and in turn the logomark, came from his most recent purchase for the church; – A bouncy church.
With a childish playfulness, a phonecall doodle ended up being the perfect – imperfect –  logomark.

The bounchychurch logo is a playfully jumping cross
Mikkel Højholt
Jeppe Højholt
Rasmus Vork
Atlas Grafisk
Rasmus Vork